Friday, October 17, 2008

Late Oktoberfest and the Cinder Block that wouldn't die

My team at work decided to have an Oktoberfest party. No beer, but we did have some really yummy bratwurst and sauerkraut. I decided to pull out the Leiderhosen I got in Switzerland over 10 years ago. They didn't really fit, but they worked. Everyone was impressed - by the shorts and by the cuteness of the little boy wearing them.

As you can also tell from this picture, pregnant belly is progressing just fine. I'm now 6 1/2 months along and besides having recurrent UTIs, everything is great. I'm seeing a urologist in a week. But I really do love my midwife and I'm still crossing my fingers that I'll be able to deliver at the birthing center. It's just that awesome.

Yesterday morning Brent and I left Felix with my sister for a few hours so we could go to an appointment. When I went to pick Felix up, he was all scraped up. He had been standing on a cinder block by the backyard drinking fountain and had fallen off. Happily, he had broken his fall. Unhappily, he had broken that fall with his face. The cinder block won, as you can tell from the picture.

Last night we went to dinner with some friends and didn't want to take Felix because he has a little cold (thanks to one particular boy in the nursery - guess who won't be attending church at all for the next couple of months?). Before we got back to pick him up, he had gotten upset and thrown up all over my sister. He calmed down perfectly as soon as we got there, but he's been throwing up since about 4 this morning. Poor kid. He just woke up from a long nap and actually wanted to eat, and he has drunk a few ounces of gatorade. He's still coughing tons (I'm not positive that this wasn't just brought on by a bad cold and being upset) but he's been keeping stuff down so far.

We found out our friends (the ones we had dinner with last night) are expecting twins. They have a daughter who's just over a year old. As exciting as this is, I feel truly sorry for them. Maybe "sorry" is the wrong word. Thankful it's not me, that's for sure.


Unknown said...

I adore those leiderhosen. My mom has a dirndl that she got a long time ago that Madison might just be old enough to wear now. I'm so excited.

Dirtius Wifius said...

want to borrow them when Davis gets big enough?

I spoke too soon about keeping stuff down. He was stumbling over to me to be held again and he hit his head. He started crying so hard that he threw up everything. poor kid.

Anonymous said...

He looks like one of the Von Trapp Family Singers!

Also, Brett and I have friends who had *triplets* 2 years ago. They also had two older children, so their count was 5 kids, all under the age of 5.

They're still alive, kids and parents, so don't worry too much.

BeatlesDiva said...

Felix is a doll, but maybe a bit accident prone (like myself)...either way, he's a cutie!

Becca said...

I feel the guilt in my veins as I look at his poor scratched up face.
I'm going to dispose of that cinder block.

(i love ned)

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!

*waves to the familius*

Felix, you are NOT aloud to throw up, AND MORE!!!

Cute lederhosen stuffs by the way. ;)

-- Ethan

Anonymous said...

(oops, that was supposed to be ANY more...)


Anonymous said...

PS It's 10:30 pm and I gotta go take a shower.
Signing out, now!

Daisy Paige said...

Oh, your poor baby's beautiful face! What a trooper that boy is.