This year I wanted to take advantage of our great summer so I really tried to get out with the kids on a regular basis. We discovered that our favorites were the splash pad in Highland...
the tiny zoo in Logan (we're still applying for jobs everywhere but had great hope for the one in Logan)...
Thanksgiving Point dinosaur museum and kid time...
Grandma's bathtub just upstairs...
and the wild wild world just out the back door (the pic below is not from an isolated incident. Oz found water and mud all over the place and loved every moment of it).
We also enjoyed story time at the library, lots and lots of family time, and lots of play with the kids from across the back fence. I think I enjoyed it almost as much as the kids did because it kept them occupied.
I read lots of books this summer, did an exercise boot camp at Sarah and Lina's coaxing (and loved it so much I signed up for an additional month), did some sewing and crafting, and even kind of kept up on the dishes. Not so much on the rest of the housework. I'm feeling greatly burned out by all that most of the time.
And for the past year we have been expecting to be expecting. Before Oscar was born, I had a very strong feeling that he was not our last baby. Despite knowing of his/her existence, the baby is taking his/her sweet time in coming to us. I can't say that I've prepared very well in all this unpregnant time I've had, and I am starting to feel anxious. I'll be 40 next year and I really really really don't want to be pregnant after I turn 40.
I am planning a trip to Florida to spend some serious quality time with Sarah and her family, which both scares me (driving cross country in the middle of winter with 3 kids and no additional adults) and excites me (Sarah!!!). And I need to sew a whole bunch more.
I have really enjoyed getting to know the people in my ward as I try to do my calling of Visiting Teaching Coordinator.
Now I just need to lose 150 pounds, clean my house, do some homeschooling, sew a whole bunch, and get ready for Christmas. No problem, right?
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