Monday, February 23, 2009

The smirk

You'd think the grin means that she's a happy baby. She's not really. Well, she's got some serious colic here and there and it's been extremely tough. Nobody wants to deal with a screaming baby for 6 hours straight. It's so mentally tough to be so helpless. Terrible!

She is cooing and smiling as a response. That, and when she cuddles up into your chest to sleep, makes the crying worth it.

On Saturday we had a birthday party for Felix and for his grandma. We were going to try to get some work done on the bedroom, but nobody showed up till the goodies were out. Felix loved the balloons, the building blocks (like giant legos), the bubbles, the Cookie Monster puppet, and the car. A pretty good haul, to be sure.

Just before we were ready to get out the cakes, Felix took a header off his grandpa's chair and caught a vent cover with his forehead on the way down. He's got two goose eggs on his forehead now, with scrapes in the middle. From the side he looks like a young Klingon.

As is his pattern, he cried really hard and zonked out very soon afterward, but that was fine because he needed a nap anyway. We've figured out that if he skips his nap, we can get him down about 8 pm and keep him down till 8 am. Otherwise, there's no guarantee. I sure hope Amelia keeps up her own trend and sleeps a lot more regularly.

Since Felix likes cords and wandered off with the cord I need to download pictures from my camera, I have no way of getting his birthday pictures off my camera at the moment. Thankfully, my brother and his wife have the same camera so I can occasionally borrow their cord. Time to make a trip to Provo... (I'll put the pics up as soon as I get them off)

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