Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weekend in review

Brent ended up being sick most of the week. He really did have a hard time of it, but by this morning he felt tons better and I started feeling yucky. But I think it was mostly just exhaustion and too much sugar yesterday and a bad pregnancy morning.

Anyway, Saturday morning a bunch of my relatives participated in the Pleasant Grove triathalon. The kid portion (that my niece Becca did) was a one-mile run, a three-mile bike ride, and I believe a 200 meter swim. The adult portion was 3.2 miles (5k) run, 10 miles biking, and then, um, I have no idea how long the swim was.

I had the task of taking pictures and providing snacks for those participating and those watching, and we ended up having a lot of fun. I hear that the swimming was the worst because it was already after everything else and people were exhausted. I got a little sun (just enough to look silly), but it was very pleasant.

After everyone had rested and showered, we met at the family manse for a big lunch and a work party to help with some big projects around the house and yard.

I left about 4:30 to pick up a new friend, Stacy, who is visiting Utah for a working vacation. We drove up to SLC and met up with some friends for dinner at TGIFridays. Our waiter was impressive, the food was perfect (although "pregnant belly" wouldn't allow me to finish it), and the company was just what I needed.

When we finally split up, Stacy and I talked Travis into going with us to a party in Park City, but since it was still early, we walked over to the mall so I could find some sunglasses. I would like to profess my love of Torrid, a wonderful combination of Hot Topic and Lane Bryant - funky clothes and stuff for larger women. They actually had sunglasses that fit my face! I luuuurrrrve them! We even talked Stacy into buying a fun and pretty maroon dress while we were there.

The party in Park City was at a house rented by some friends through LDS Linkup. It was a "welcome to Utah", "happy birthday", and "let's have some summer fun" party. I met some people I had never met before, made a few new friends, and relaxed on a comfy couch. I even got to see some people I hadn't seen for a while and catch up a bit. Mostly, I sat on that couch and heard about what is going on in the lives of my friends. Very enjoyable.

Stacy and I had decided before going to the party that we would leave when we got bored. We got there about 9 and didn't end up leaving till almost 11:30. It was just a very pleasant evening.

You know, people think it's weird to meet over the internet, but I've found some amazing friends that way. Heck, I even essentially met my husband that way (well, my cousin met him over the internet and then set us up). I say this because besides the family stuff, all the party stuff from yesterday was with people I met over the internet. I have more friends than I've ever had, thanks to it.

So today, while I try to figure out what "pregnant belly" will allow me to eat, I am thankful for all the fathers who have touched my life - especially the father of my child(ren). Oh yeah, and I'm thankful to the internet, because it has allowed me to create, enhance, and remember some of the best relationships I've ever enjoyed.

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