Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Now we're like everyone else!

So, we've finally caved.

Dirt and I decided we should just give in and become part of the internet age. Well, it's partly that and partly our desire to show off the world's newest and cutest Dirtius. Our mini-we.

We also thought it would be easier to post pictures and keep updates, so instead of sending out huge emails, we can just send out the links to the updates.

I don't know, maybe it's laziness, maybe it's the desire to be part of the world, maybe it's just that we want to brag because of how much we love our lives. I do know that a huge part of that love of our lives is how much we appreciate our friends and family. We are constantly amazed by how wonderful our loved-ones are.

I haven't decided how often I'll post. Maybe I can talk Dirt into posting semi regularly too. I would let the kidlet post, but he'd likely just drool all over the keyboard.

More later...


ADDollhouse said...


Karin said...

you can join us over on ours's relatively new and we started it for the same reasons. :-)

We're so happy you are part of our family!

jenica said...

so happy to have you join in! enjoy yourself. ;-D

Shauna said...

It's about freaking time! Good job, guys. I love you!

mrsteveinman said...

Great blog site and cute kid!

Jesse Harris said...

Okay, you guys kind of suck for not telling us. I had to hear it from Technorati! I thought we were tight... *sniff*

Jason Randall said...

Holy crap! That's like the cutest baby alive!

And I don't say that about babies. They smell like feet mostly. And they drool and stuff.