Saturday morning I got up to go to the stake preparedness fair to help out in the nursery. There were 3 different nurseries, and each of them had an over-abundance of adults. Mine had like 7 adults and about as many kids, so they let me leave early.
I took advantage and went straight up to Salt Lake for a reception. Well, I did stop at Sonic to get a cherry limeade cream slush (I can't go to Sonic unless I get one). I waited for a long time in the drive through, although I'm not quite sure why. It was 10:30 in the morning and maybe there was only one girl working. Anyway, I took the opportunity to pluck. It had been a long time - apparently I don't look at myself closely in the mirror very often because I was hideously hirsute! - and I got it all done. I finished the last eyebrow hair just as the girl was bringing me the credit card back.
The reception was for my dear friend Kristina, who was my roommate in Alaska for a few short months when I first got up there. She didn't last very long because it ended up being a tough experience for her, but we bonded anyway. Such a cutie.
On my way back down south, I stopped in Sandy to drop off a pair of maternity jeans for my cousin. I had volunteered my mom to hem them for her.
Back in Orem, I picked up Brent and Felix and we ran to Costco to pick up a present for Brent's best friend Ian's daughter's birthday - a really cute touch and feel book. We would have gotten two but they only had one of our favorite. After Costco we ran to a park in Lehi for a cute birthday party. Felix even took a turn at the pinata - not that he knew why people were wacking the shiny pink thing up in the tree.
On the way home from the park, Felix fell asleep so we figured we could fit in a movie. So we went to Movies 8 and caught a late-afternoon showing of Kung Fu Panda. It was actually quite fun, even though Felix woke up at the beginning.
Back at home, I gathered things and took Felix over to my sister's house to hang out with the kids. My sis and her husband had gone on a date and the kids didn't want to be alone. I made them watch Rocky IV, even though none of them wanted to. Only Rachel was still mad by the end (she wanted to watch X-Men III even though she had seen it the day before). The rest of the kids LOVED it. Of course. That's an awesome movie.
Sunday morning I woke up reluctantly. Totally sick. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. Completely congested, big bad sore throat, sneezing, coughing. Blech. Brent and my dad were also sick, and this morning my mom finally got it. We've finally started feeling better today, but I've tried to keep my germs to myself. It's been nice to rest, but I know that I'll be completely exhausted tomorrow, when I go back on schedule. I just hope three days of rest is enough.
I'm ready for another weekend. And the rest of this week is going to be super busy with scout stuff and more cleaning (I'll hire those kids as much as they're willing for the next couple of weeks - I want all those corners clean - no more spiders!). But at least I have an amazing set of friends who all want to get together on Saturday. And at least I have an amazingly understanding husband who will let me be gone most of Saturday to mentally recoup. I can do this. I just need to breathe deeply and take one step at a time. Right?
Why! You're one busy gal. Take a little time for yourself so you don't get burned out.
Whoa you are busy! I feel like a pregnant slacker now. We are trying to pack up because we are moving, and I can only seem to get a few boxes a day packed. You have shown me us pregnant Mama's can do alot!
Get some rest, being sick is JUNK, ESPECIALLY when pregnant.
Wow, you live a busy life! You totally deserve to get together with friends, (amazing ones it is true. :) ) this Saturday. I am looking forward to it too.
Cute Darth Felix and mmmmmmmm Sonic Cream slushies. YUM!
I'm only that busy when I feel like I really need a break. That's what bribery and nieces and nephews are for Jo! Seriously, don't think you're not doing enough!
I am SOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to Saturday Kristin.
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