Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I bit my baby...

Yesterday my computer died. That was a really sad thing. Brent bought a new operating system to see if he could get it to work and it doesn't so he has to do some digging to figure out what's really wrong. Apparently it's not even recognizing the hard drive and I know the hard drive isn't bad because it's almost brand new.

Anyway, tonight I was playing with Felix while we were watching some TV. I've had fun pointing out different features and body parts and getting him to point to them - you know, teaching the names of things. One of the parts of our routine is pretend chomping with our teeth and saying, "teeth!"

Well, I was doing that chomping thing and Felix got his finger too close. I actually bit down on his finger pretty hard. He started crying and had to go over to daddy and cuddle for a bit. I felt so bad.

He did forgive me about 15 minutes later because he came and cuddled with me. Brent put him down to bed a few minutes later and instead of crying for a long time like usual (normally, about 20+ minutes of hard crying, often so hard he throws up), he was asleep in less than 2 minutes. It was a beautiful thing.

How many of you moms out there can say you've bit your kid? So hard you made them cry? Yeah, I'm a mean mommy.


Laurie said...

Hehe... that's funny. I haven't bitten Micah (yet), but I have kind of a related story, though.

There have been a few times when I have made him really, really mad at me. Usually when he doesn't get his way, and he'll yell at me, throw himself onto his bum and glare at me, yelling some more.

So I always pick him up and even though at this point he's clawing at me and trying to get away, I hug him tight, and I say, "My precious baby. I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings. I know you're mad at me, but I LOVE YOU. Please be mine forever." And with that he's instantly mine again.

Jesse Harris said...

Uh, hello? Professional computer nerd in the family? ;)

Dirtius Wifius said...

Jesse, how much do you know about Macs? Apple tech support says the hard drive is dead, which really makes me unhappy because it was brand spanking new in September...

Laurie - that's awesome!

Unknown said...

I bit Maddie or Brig. I don't remember which. Similar thing though, pretend chomping . . . oops.

CarrieAnne said...

I have bitten the kid ...I also gave her a black eye...and ignored a broken finger..and E.Coli.

(A parenting tip..when your kid is behind a door trying to make it so you can't open it, don't shove too hard..especially if they are the perfect height for the doorknob to go in their eye. Because when you visit the counselor a few days after and he asks what happened...your kid might just say "My mom hit me." And that's no good.)

The story will be a few years. After you've paid for the therapy. ;-)

ADDollhouse said...

I am really sorry, I should NOT giggle so very hard at the idea of you BITING your baby but it really IS kind of funny. In a sad way.